This Genius Wearable Helps Your Body Break The Fight-Or-Flight Response For Less Stress & Better Sleep
Help your nervous system bounce back faster.

Most dads aren’t living the monk life. Instead, you’re weighed down with the responsibilities of raising kids and building careers when you would probably rather be finding nirvana a different way. While staying physically active often helps manage the stress that comes with the job, technology like the Apollo can help you rebalance your nervous system over time without you ever lifting a finger.
What Is The Apollo?
Developed by a neuroscientist and board-certified psychiatrist who spent 15 years studying the effects of chronic stress on the human body, the Apollo is an entirely new kind of wellness wearable designed not just to track your health data but to actively improve your health.
The lightweight, watch-like device can be worn around your wrist or ankle, or even clipped under your clothing for more discreet wear. It offers non-invasive touch therapy by sending silent, stress-reducing vibrations to the body that help break the fight-or-flight cycle to rebalance your autonomic nervous system. It’s like a “wearable hug” — and the more you use it, the better it works, since the small device is training your body to be more resilient in the face of stress.
How Does The Apollo Work?
The Apollo vibration technology helps disrupt your body’s “fight or flight” response and instead put it into a “rest and digest” state. More specifically, by monitoring heart rate variability (HRV), the technology is designed to read fluctuations in intervals between heartbeats to better gauge stress levels, sending out vibrations when needed to maintain a state of optimal well-being.
The thesis behind the vibration technology is rooted in the deep biological connection between the touch sense and emotional well-being. Much like a massage, the Apollo’s gentle pulses stimulate the touch receptors responsible for evoking emotion, or a positive state of mind, which can lead to overall better health by improving everything from sleep to physical performance.
And there are plenty of clinical trial results to back it up. In fact, Apollo has completed six clinical trials that found that, on average, wearers saw a 40% reduction in stress and spent 19% more time in deep sleep. There was even a noticeable 25% improvement in focus and concentration.
How & When To Wear The Apollo
To begin your experience, you first select a mode, which options aimed at helping with everything from sleep (relaxing and falling asleep) to socializing (staying calm and present). From there you select a duration, ranging from 15 to 60 minutes, and an intensity level. The lowest level is barely perceptible. You can play around with the different modes to find the ones that particularly resonate with you and your schedule.
To get the most out The Apollo device, wearing it consistently and often is key — setting it to the mode that feels right for any time of day. And when coupled with the free Apollo Neuro App, users can monitor, track, customize and better understand their greater well-being experience — including sleep scores, resting heart rate, and more with consistent usage.
The Reviews
Most of the Apollo reviews paint a pretty convincing picture of how well the wearable works, but the brand is quick to note that it will take time to see results — don’t expect a quick fix. If you commit to wearing it regularly, you’re more likely to experience satisfying results. Here are some reports from Apollo wearers:
“I love to use Apollo in the middle of the night when I wake up for no reason. It helps me fall back to sleep just like a baby with a pacifier.”— Joseph M.
“It literally melts the stress from overstimulation away. Apollo helps when I’ve felt a lot of anxiety and mental/emotional stress after a social interaction.”— Chloe D.
“I have been consistently productive every single day since I got Apollo, and productivity was one of the issues I struggled with daily. That's huge, and life changing.”— Doug S.
“Extremely helpful for falling asleep and getting back to sleep after an interruption. I now consider myself a former insomniac.”— Kathy Q.
“Game changer. The ability to turn the knobs on our autonomic nervous system is akin to super-human ability.”— Julian S.
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