
March 14, 2025

Alex Honnold, The World’s Boldest Climber, Just Became A Dad. Now What?

From awe-inspiring, death-defying ropeless climbs to fatherhood, the world’s greatest climber is aiming for new heights but not about to hold back.

By Drew Magary

The Outside Issue

May 2022

The Outside Issue

Sponsored by The Home Depot

There’s never been a better time to get outside. On one hand, the great outdoors are a salve — to our screen addiction, anxiety, (lack of) fitness, and boredom. On the other, nature reminds us that we’re on this rock together, a fragile space that couldn’t care less about polemics. But most practically, getting outside together brings us all closer. It gives families and friends shared experiences, memories, and opportunities to bond. In a very complicated world, it’s nice to have one answer to all that ails us: Go outside.


What the World's Greatest Adventurers Teach Their Kids

What outdoor skills should your kids know? We went to 18 professional explorers, athletes, and naturalists for answers.

Meal Time

Open Fire And Outdoor Grill Recipes for the Whole Family

These recipes prove that with a little preparation, you can have a spectacular meal anywhere.


22 Family Adventures For The Bold

For your next family vacation, paddle to your own island, bike from inn to inn, or take a road trip through the most remote regions of Patagonia. What’s stopping you?

As much as I hope to pass on the wisdom of the natural world to my children, they are often giving me an education on how to slow down and observe the world … through the texture of a new lichen, a unique seed pod, and that seemingly obnoxious stick I’m asked to carry the rest of our walk.

Scott Jurek, Ultrarunner

The Incomparable Misery And Exhilaration Of Type 2 Family Fun

Maybe Dad was right all along — a little hardship builds character, makes memories, and is what life is really all about.

by Julia Holmes
150 Years Of Family Camping In America

It’s been a long, wild trek, but the family camping trip is finally living up to its potential — and its promise. Here’s how we got here.

by Mike Diago

More From The Issue


Growing Up Fast On Planet Earth, With Kim Stanley Robinson

By Cory Doctorow

The peerless Kim Stanley Robinson talks with Cory Doctorow about climate change, the moral necessity of hope, and helping kids feel deeply connected to the natural world.

Get Out Gear

Go Wild! Outdoor Gear Fit for the Whole Family

By Billy Brown and Jon Gugala

Whether you're hiking, biking, camping, or glamping, we've got the gear for you.


3 Backyard DIYs That Will Take Your Memorial Day BBQ To The Next Level

By Jeff Bogle

The Best Of The Backyard: The Home Depot Edition

By Jeff Bogle

This List Shows The Best States For Camping With the Family This Summer

By Devan McGuinness

This list — whether you want to believe it or not — suggests where you and your family should camp this summer.


We Moved Class Outside for the Pandemic. I’m Never Going Back

By Joseph Sarosy

The events of the past year gave us an opportunity to take stock, to slow down, and get playful with education. It taught me a lot.

Baby Names

48 Nature Names for Girls Inspired by the Great Outdoors

By Emily Kelleher

The natural world is always a great source of inspiration.

Baby Names

39 Nature Names for Boys Inspired By the Great Outdoors

By Emily Kelleher

The natural world is full of inspiration.


Why Your Backyard Needs a Mud Kitchen ASAP

By Matthew Utley

Mud kitchens allow kids to make, squish, and experience mud. More importantly, they help them explore their imaginations and thrive in summer.


100 Reasons to Unplug and Get Outside

By Fatherly

Need a push to hang up the phone, put down the tablet, turn off the TV, and go explore the world? Here's your motivation.

Risky Business

How To Raise An Adventurous Kid (But Not A Risk-Seeking Lunatic)

By Lizzy Francis

You’ll have to get comfortable with letting your kid take risks.


16 Kickass Outdoor Activities to Do With Your Kids This Weekend

By Melaina Juntti

From building a bon fire to making a scarecrow, you've got to take advantage of these fall weekends while you can.


How to Teach a Kid to Safely Climb a Tree

By Alexis Barad-Cutler

According to a trio (a tree-oh!) of climbing experts.


The 10 Most Underrated National Parks in America

By Lauren Steele

There are 59 national parks in the United States. These are the hidden gems.