“Strongest Structure” Is the Sweetest Engineering Challenge Around
This article was produced in partnership with ADVERTISEMENT . Stream now, only on Netflix.Ada Twist, ScientistAda TwistSaturdays We S.T.E.M.Prep Time: Entertainment Time: Energy Expended by Child: What You Need: Gumdrops Toothpicks Coins How to Play: Tallest Tower Build the tallest freestanding tower possible. Once it gets high enough, the tower will get wobbly, and your... View Article

This article was produced in partnership with
. Stream now, only on Netflix.Ada Twist, ScientistAda TwistSaturdays We S.T.E.M.Prep Time: Entertainment Time: Energy Expended by Child: What You Need:
- Gumdrops
- Toothpicks
- Coins
How to Play:
- Tallest Tower Build the tallest freestanding tower possible. Once it gets high enough, the tower will get wobbly, and your kids should realize that the base will need to be expanded to ensure it doesn’t tip over.
- Strongest Structure Build a structure with a platform that can hold as many coins as possible. Kids will figure out how to reinforce their structures to hold more and more coins (or other similarly small but weighty items) by adding diagonal toothpicks or using other strengthening strategies.
- Best Building This is more a freewheeling challenge. Without a specific goal in mind, allow kids to create whatever kind of building they can. As they build, you can ask questions and suggest things to help them create what they’re imagining in their mind’s eye. If your kid has a creative soul, this is a great way to show them the connection between that creativity and the word of S.T.E.M.